Thursday, 3 November 2016


In this lesson we looked at what order the titles in a film opening.
the first lesson I looked at was Deadpool. It went in this order marvel. then Twentieth Century fox. Then marvel entertainment. then it had actors however there where comical names like "moody teen". They then mentioned who made cameos. Then we had who it was produced by then written by. then finally who it was directed by.
I then looked at Guardians of the Galaxy in more detail including times.
It started with the time setting. This happened in 4 seconds.

It then showed the company that produced the film this was at 14 seconds.

It then also had who also made the film. This happened at 17seconds.
Then it had the actors. The times were from  22 seconds to until 1:38.

The title of the film did not appear until 2:26.
Then at 2:30 who did the casting.
Then at 2:33 for the music supervior.
 The person who wrote the music was shown at 2:38.
The visual effects producer was shown at 2:43
 Then the visual effects supervisor was shown at 2:46
Then they was a costume designer at 2:49
It then shown who did the editing by. This was shown at 2:53.
 It then who did the production design. This was shown at 2:58.
 Then it was the director of photography. This was then shown at 3:02.
  Then it had the co- producers at 3:06.
 Then from 3:10 until 3:30 it showed the executive producers.

 It then showed who produced by. This was shown at 3:33.
At 3:40 we saw who wrote it.
 Then finally at 3:47 we saw who directed the film.

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