The feedback to our film pitch.
Clear Genre, Themes, Message?
People decently know the genre of a period drams and most knew that one of are main themes was women rights to vote. However most commented that period drams were hard to get right. There also understood are main idea that they was a women fighting to get the vote for women and then they was a modern women who did not see the point in voting. However a couple of people did question are influence of back to the future as we did not have anyone time travelling. However that influence was mostly for an earlier idea. A lot of people also commented that the idea was quite a unique idea as lot as we did not make it too similar to the suffragettes movie that was realised last year. Then one person did say that are film seemed to carry a powerful message.
What is the narrative?
Everyone knew that are narrative was about a women fighting for the women's right to vote and a 2016 women who did not see the point in voting. they were comments about the film being interesting if we pulled it off and did it well. they was also the comments about the film being too prediticatle. A lot of people also picked up that there was going to be comparisons between two women however some believe this will be to difficult to do and will not make sense.
Interesting Characters?
In our film pitch we only told people about two characters the women in the 1900s and the women in 2016 however some believed we don't tell them enough about the characters to make the lot interesting and some said this would make the storyline more interesting. However some did say the characters seemed good however need to be developed. then we did have that the character seemed different and unique but did comment on the fact we only had two characters which didn't seem like enough.
Does it match the target audience?
Everyone apart from a couple of people knew that are film was aiming to get a 12 rating. Some people believe this was good however some believed that the plot line would be to boring for someone of that age. However what we believe in are group however may not have explained properly is that we know most young teenagers wouldn't watch the film however they would not be any scenes or language that means however we know that re target audience would be older teenagers and adults. They also believed that the audience would need to be educated or have a interest in history to understand which I agree with.
Everyone apart from a couple knew that are film was being produced by Film 4 and distributed by Path. Then some people did also pick up that one of are production companies as well. The people that commented believed that the choices we made for these companies were good as we looked at other film they have their name too and hey have ones of similar genes which they believe is a good idea.
Any comments about the film, would you watch it, is it doable and interesting?
Some people in are media class said they would watch the film as it sounds interesting. and seem quite unique. However some people had some doubts whether we might be able to pull it of. They also had some doubt wherever we could get the right costume or if the location could be correct or good enough. They was also one or two people that questioned whether if our plot was interesting .However as a group we knew this might happen as are film idea would not sound interesting to everyone however I believe enough people would be interested enough to watch it.
My view on the feedback
I believe that all the comments where very useful and really are going to help us when we plan the storyboard and script. One thing I have picked up on is that are characters really need work to make the more interesting and they need more depth as we didn't give much information about them. another thing I picked up on was that a o of people believe that the film is going to be very hard to made the film good enough to show what we want it to.
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