Friday, 25 November 2016
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Music Research
In this post we looked at different music ideas we could use in our film opening.
Saturday, 19 November 2016
Risk Assessment
In this post I was looking at the risk at the settings for are film opening and how we are going to minimise this risk. here is the list of risks and how we are going to minimise the likelihood of them happening.
Risk assessment from Charlotte Revell
Here is a picture of are proper risk assessment. we choose the 4 biggest hazard to write about.

Here is a picture of are proper risk assessment. we choose the 4 biggest hazard to write about.

Friday, 18 November 2016
Prop list
Here is a list of props we are using in our film opening.
- Cardboard box.
- A photo album
- A2 paper to be used for the signs
- Glass jars.
- Paint (black)
- paint brushes
- Doll
- Blanket
- Briefcase
- Bluetooth ear piece that's connected to a phone.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
This is the script for our film opening. We decided that we didn't want much dialogue so we kept our script very brief.
Walking to Protest
Alice (Lorna): I hope were not late. I don't want to miss the march.
Mary (Leah) don't worry we have plenty of time.
Charlotte on her way to work
Charlotte (charlotte): [Gets phone call] Mark I told you to move my meeting... well find a way to occupy them... I'm going to be half an hour. [hangs up]
Walking to Protest
Alice (Lorna): I hope were not late. I don't want to miss the march.
Mary (Leah) don't worry we have plenty of time.
Charlotte on her way to work
Charlotte (charlotte): [Gets phone call] Mark I told you to move my meeting... well find a way to occupy them... I'm going to be half an hour. [hangs up]
Storyboard evaluation
Our storyboard works well because we include details of what we want to happen in each shot and the angles. However, the timings on the storyboard mean that the video will overrun past our time limit.
The first page of our storyboard works well because we include details of what we want to include and we have also included the transitions that we want to use. However, we have not included all of the information that we could have as we have not included all of the camera angles we used. We decided to remove the part where the letter was posted through the letter box and then Charlotte put the letter in the bin. We felt that this was not a crucial part to the story and since we needed to remove some shots we decided to remove this one.
The first page of our storyboard works well because we include details of what we want to include and we have also included the transitions that we want to use. However, we have not included all of the information that we could have as we have not included all of the camera angles we used. We decided to remove the part where the letter was posted through the letter box and then Charlotte put the letter in the bin. We felt that this was not a crucial part to the story and since we needed to remove some shots we decided to remove this one.
This page of our storyboard is better because it includes much more detail and some of the various shots that we are hoping to include. We have also included the transitions that we hoped to use so that it would make the editing process easier. But, we did not have on box for each individual shot/camera angle and so some of them are grouped together. This makes the storyboard a little bit confusing. We also removed the shot where we see the suffragette painting the poster as we felt that it was not vital to the story. We therefore also did not include the transition where the camera tracks into the poster and then tracks out in the next shot. We tried to incorporate this in a separate part of the opening but found that this was too difficult to do without a tripod with wheels. We also decided to have the suffragette sit on a chair with the baby instead of walk through the house. We did this because we thought of a creative way to film this and felt that it would make the opening more interesting.
The final page of our storyboard is good because it includes detailed descriptions of what we will have in each shot as well as various camera angles we will include. However, like before, we did not put each camera angle/shot in a box on its own which made the storyboard more difficult to read. We also did not include the shot where the suffragette was doing the washing up. We thought it would be better to include a more historical looking object and so had her cleaning a clock instead. We also showed the woman from 2016 looking in boxes in the loft rather than climbing the ladder.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
In this post there is a video talking about our storyboard.
Costume list
On this post I will write about our costumes.
A maxi skirt
Grey blaster
Long coat
Votes for women sash
Long coat
Votes for women sash
Black trousers
High heels
Make up
Everything we had in our houses. The only thing we had to buy where the sashes. Leah brought the sashes of eBay.
A maxi skirt
Grey blaster
Long coat
Votes for women sash
Long coat
Votes for women sash
Black trousers
High heels
Make up
Everything we had in our houses. The only thing we had to buy where the sashes. Leah brought the sashes of eBay.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Film pitch evaulation
The feedback to our film pitch.
Clear Genre, Themes, Message?
People decently know the genre of a period drams and most knew that one of are main themes was women rights to vote. However most commented that period drams were hard to get right. There also understood are main idea that they was a women fighting to get the vote for women and then they was a modern women who did not see the point in voting. However a couple of people did question are influence of back to the future as we did not have anyone time travelling. However that influence was mostly for an earlier idea. A lot of people also commented that the idea was quite a unique idea as lot as we did not make it too similar to the suffragettes movie that was realised last year. Then one person did say that are film seemed to carry a powerful message.
What is the narrative?
Everyone knew that are narrative was about a women fighting for the women's right to vote and a 2016 women who did not see the point in voting. they were comments about the film being interesting if we pulled it off and did it well. they was also the comments about the film being too prediticatle. A lot of people also picked up that there was going to be comparisons between two women however some believe this will be to difficult to do and will not make sense.
Interesting Characters?
In our film pitch we only told people about two characters the women in the 1900s and the women in 2016 however some believed we don't tell them enough about the characters to make the lot interesting and some said this would make the storyline more interesting. However some did say the characters seemed good however need to be developed. then we did have that the character seemed different and unique but did comment on the fact we only had two characters which didn't seem like enough.
Does it match the target audience?
Everyone apart from a couple of people knew that are film was aiming to get a 12 rating. Some people believe this was good however some believed that the plot line would be to boring for someone of that age. However what we believe in are group however may not have explained properly is that we know most young teenagers wouldn't watch the film however they would not be any scenes or language that means however we know that re target audience would be older teenagers and adults. They also believed that the audience would need to be educated or have a interest in history to understand which I agree with.
Everyone apart from a couple knew that are film was being produced by Film 4 and distributed by Path. Then some people did also pick up that one of are production companies as well. The people that commented believed that the choices we made for these companies were good as we looked at other film they have their name too and hey have ones of similar genes which they believe is a good idea.Any comments about the film, would you watch it, is it doable and interesting?
Some people in are media class said they would watch the film as it sounds interesting. and seem quite unique. However some people had some doubts whether we might be able to pull it of. They also had some doubt wherever we could get the right costume or if the location could be correct or good enough. They was also one or two people that questioned whether if our plot was interesting .However as a group we knew this might happen as are film idea would not sound interesting to everyone however I believe enough people would be interested enough to watch it.My view on the feedback
I believe that all the comments where very useful and really are going to help us when we plan the storyboard and script. One thing I have picked up on is that are characters really need work to make the more interesting and they need more depth as we didn't give much information about them. another thing I picked up on was that a o of people believe that the film is going to be very hard to made the film good enough to show what we want it to.Friday, 11 November 2016
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Genre research
In this post we looked at the sufferagete film opening to get inspiration for our own film.
It starts with a close shot of machinery working into a dark and dirty factory where they are women washing clothes.The lighting means it is hard to show any proper detail. However all the women are in gray. Then non- digetic sound changes from very quite calm music to my women shouldn't have the vote. The camera then looks up at the factory owners who are both men. They clothes have more colour than the womens and there room is well lit. However over all the scene is calm.
The scene then changes to when one of the main characters seems to be on her way home. This scene also starts calmly however the music has changed again to slightly quicker music. The lighting is also brighter so we are able to see more details, This is creating the feeling that something big is about to happen. The camera angle then changes to look at the rest of the scene where more and more women are coming into shot. Then the camera starts to get closer to one women with a pram. She sames the first piece of speech. She screams "Votes for women". This turns the scene from calm to chaotic. Women start to throw things trough windows. This means that the camera changes to smooth shoots to quick sharp shots that emphasis the fact the scene is no longer calm.
It starts with a close shot of machinery working into a dark and dirty factory where they are women washing clothes.The lighting means it is hard to show any proper detail. However all the women are in gray. Then non- digetic sound changes from very quite calm music to my women shouldn't have the vote. The camera then looks up at the factory owners who are both men. They clothes have more colour than the womens and there room is well lit. However over all the scene is calm.
The scene then changes to when one of the main characters seems to be on her way home. This scene also starts calmly however the music has changed again to slightly quicker music. The lighting is also brighter so we are able to see more details, This is creating the feeling that something big is about to happen. The camera angle then changes to look at the rest of the scene where more and more women are coming into shot. Then the camera starts to get closer to one women with a pram. She sames the first piece of speech. She screams "Votes for women". This turns the scene from calm to chaotic. Women start to throw things trough windows. This means that the camera changes to smooth shoots to quick sharp shots that emphasis the fact the scene is no longer calm.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Student film openings and construction mark scheme
In this lesson we looked at the mark scheme that is used to mark our film openings. We used it today to look at other student film openings.
This is the first film we looked at once we had watched it we found out it got 57 out of 60 marks. I believed it got this as the way they produced and displayed there titles were vey interesting and professional. Also the quality of the editing was excellent. another good point was how the music worked in time with the action happening in the opening. However it was too long.
Roses are Red
This was the second title we looked at. This is believe to get about a level 3. The good things about this opening was how creatively the tittles were shown however some where unclear. The only other good thing was that it had a clear genre of a teenage drama. However the camera work had shake moments. Also nothing really happened and the editing could have been better.
This film opening got 59 marks. There was a lot good about this film opening. The first thing was the scene was amazing and very realists. Another good thing was the camera work as it was a very crisp and clear. Also the mature of the plot made it stand out as it was more grown up than the other film openings I had looked at. Also the radio in the background was really good at setting the scene. The only bad part about this film opening was at the end when it had the cliché 60 years later story idea.
Here is the mark scheme.
The Edge
This is the first film we looked at once we had watched it we found out it got 57 out of 60 marks. I believed it got this as the way they produced and displayed there titles were vey interesting and professional. Also the quality of the editing was excellent. another good point was how the music worked in time with the action happening in the opening. However it was too long.
Roses are Red
This was the second title we looked at. This is believe to get about a level 3. The good things about this opening was how creatively the tittles were shown however some where unclear. The only other good thing was that it had a clear genre of a teenage drama. However the camera work had shake moments. Also nothing really happened and the editing could have been better.
This film opening got 59 marks. There was a lot good about this film opening. The first thing was the scene was amazing and very realists. Another good thing was the camera work as it was a very crisp and clear. Also the mature of the plot made it stand out as it was more grown up than the other film openings I had looked at. Also the radio in the background was really good at setting the scene. The only bad part about this film opening was at the end when it had the cliché 60 years later story idea.
Thursday, 3 November 2016
In this lesson we looked at what order the titles in a film opening.
the first lesson I looked at was Deadpool. It went in this order marvel. then Twentieth Century fox. Then marvel entertainment. then it had actors however there where comical names like "moody teen". They then mentioned who made cameos. Then we had who it was produced by then written by. then finally who it was directed by.
I then looked at Guardians of the Galaxy in more detail including times.
It started with the time setting. This happened in 4 seconds.
It then also had who also made the film. This happened at 17seconds.
Then it had the actors. The times were from 22 seconds to until 1:38.
The title of the film did not appear until 2:26.
Then at 2:30 who did the casting.
Then at 2:33 for the music supervior.
The person who wrote the music was shown at 2:38.
The visual effects producer was shown at 2:43
Then the visual effects supervisor was shown at 2:46
Then they was a costume designer at 2:49
It then shown who did the editing by. This was shown at 2:53.
It then who did the production design. This was shown at 2:58.
Then it was the director of photography. This was then shown at 3:02.
Then it had the co- producers at 3:06.
Then from 3:10 until 3:30 it showed the executive producers.
It then showed who produced by. This was shown at 3:33.
At 3:40 we saw who wrote it.
Then finally at 3:47 we saw who directed the film.
the first lesson I looked at was Deadpool. It went in this order marvel. then Twentieth Century fox. Then marvel entertainment. then it had actors however there where comical names like "moody teen". They then mentioned who made cameos. Then we had who it was produced by then written by. then finally who it was directed by.
I then looked at Guardians of the Galaxy in more detail including times.
It started with the time setting. This happened in 4 seconds.
It then showed the company that produced the film this was at 14 seconds.
It then also had who also made the film. This happened at 17seconds.
Then it had the actors. The times were from 22 seconds to until 1:38.
The title of the film did not appear until 2:26.
Then at 2:30 who did the casting.
Then at 2:33 for the music supervior.
The person who wrote the music was shown at 2:38.
The visual effects producer was shown at 2:43
Then the visual effects supervisor was shown at 2:46
Then they was a costume designer at 2:49
It then shown who did the editing by. This was shown at 2:53.
It then who did the production design. This was shown at 2:58.
Then it was the director of photography. This was then shown at 3:02.
Then it had the co- producers at 3:06.
Then from 3:10 until 3:30 it showed the executive producers.
It then showed who produced by. This was shown at 3:33.
At 3:40 we saw who wrote it.
Then finally at 3:47 we saw who directed the film.
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