Monday, 12 September 2016


In media we use different ways of describing people .here are three terms  use so we can portray different people easily.

One way is: Stereotypes
this is where media institutions use stereotypes because the audience will understand them. for example a French person walking around with a baguette in a striped tee shirt. In reality this does not really happen however it is how he media betray them so this because a stereotype of French people.

To extend on this the are: Archetypes.
This is the ultimate stereotype so this is extending on the French person example they would be surrounded by people doing the same thing so it s not just most people acting this way its everyone.

Then they is: Countertypes.
This is where the associationated stereotype of an group or area are challenged.

These are all types of: Representation.
This is the way in which people, event and ideas are presented to the audience. So simply, the media takes something that is already there and represents it to us in the way they choose.

There is a way of remembering what things are stereotyped it is DR CAGES.
This means this:

Regional identity


A film what shows a stereotype of age is St Trinians.

This is showing young girls as out of control. It then shows a bedroom which had a lot of stereotypes like geeks, chavs and first years. This is showing a lot of different types of stereotypes as not all people that believe they find that title will have all the characteristics also in seems to show that all the people with those characteristics are bad people as St Trinians as a bad school. It also shows young women as bad people as all these women are rebels. I believe that these women because they are seen as rebels this makes them bad people in a lot of people's eyes due to the stereotype of a rebel is that they are bad people.

1 comment:

  1. An interesting choice of film, and you show good understanding of representation.
    - Aim to use formal language at all times.
    - Try to think about stereotypes...would you say that young women are stereotyped as rebels?
